🔥1st Burn Event — Staking Pool B Completed ✅

DFSocial Gaming
1 min readMar 31, 2021

Dear community,

Further to our earlier announcement, the time for the first burn event is about to come. To protect the sustainability and focus more on the gaming platform, Staking Pool B will be completed in 10 days.

  • Stakers have 10 days (until 10th April 15:00 UTC) to withdraw their tokens from Pool B. Meanwhile, they can still earn rewards. During this period deposits will be disabled.
  • The remaining time will be shared at least once every day in the main Telegram group. After this period withdraws and claims will be inactive and the remaining tokens will be burned as well.
  • Meanwhile, Pool A (+72% APY) will be still active to stake DFSocial tokens.
  • Once DFSocial Burn Events are completed, we will publish a report in which DFSocial burned amounts will be detailed.

Transition to pool A staking for longer-lasting staking and long term sustainability.

🔥 As the maximum supply of tokens available forever decreases, we think this can counter the inflation produced by staking and farming rewards. 🔥

Are you ready?

DFSocial Team.



DFSocial Gaming

DFSocial Gaming is a innovative project bringing together DeFi and Gaming. https://dfsocial.com