DFSocial Celebrates Six-Month Milestones Since Inaugural Launch
It has indeed been an incredible process and honor to witness DFSocial come into its own in just six months, and we couldn’t be prouder of the DFS community’s support and growth. On December 27th of last year, we started this project with the vision to intertwine Blockchain Gaming and De-Fi while putting the most crucial decisions on the shoulders of the community.
This decision (although claimed by many projects) is rarely ever implemented to the degree many projects include for marketing purposes. Our users can confidently earn on the DFS platform full-well knowing that we always say what we mean and mean what we say.
The team at DFS firmly believes this glaring distinction separates us from the rest of the pack and is the fundamental reason why the team focuses on our users’ needs, development, and adaptation to the latest De-Fi trends. This concentrated focus on the unique Gamer/Sponsor dynamic featured in the DFSocial’s ecosystem has allowed us to provide plenty of variety in games, De-Fi services, & added use-cases for the DFS token and NFTs — in the future and the past.
We are ecstatic to share some metrics worth mentioning — let’s take a look at some metrics to recap the first six months of the platform!
Key Metrics:
- $DFS Token-holders: 1,500+ unique wallet addresses
With about 650 addresses being on Binance SmartChain (BSC) and about 850 addresses on Ethereum, the team at DFS is ecstatic to see such growth since the inaugural launch six months ago.
- Total Value Locked (TVL): $1,100,000+
The TVL amount consists of staking, farming, and Gaming Passes acquired — over $800K+ in staking, farming, Gaming Passes are locked combined. The remainder of the tokens locked is for marketing/reserve funds & team tokens. The other $300K consists of marketing/reserve funds & team tokens.
- Community Members: After the first three months since the launch of DFSocial, our social media presence was at 1,200 followers. To date, DFSocial’s follower count has increased to nearly 6,000 (5,998) followers — which is an increase of 499% in the last 90 days.
Noteworthy Mention: Since the three months, the team has created more social media accounts across four additional platforms. Another 8,359 combined followers have been accounted for across Tik-Tok, Discord, Twitch, and the Medium DFSocial accounts.
In total, there are >17,000 followers across seven social media platforms.
- Gaming Rewards: 1,000+ $DFS tokens ($123,720 at current prices) awarded to Gamers/Sponsors
With the new changes (that gives our users even MORE reasons to get your hands on one) regarding the Gaming Pass, implementation of the NFT collection, more users adding to the growing prize pools, and more of the most popular games continuing to be added, this trend seems to be sustainable for the foreseeable future.
- Games Offered: 9
DFSocial continues to lead Blockchain Gaming in the total number of games offered — and we don’t choose the games; our loyal community does.
- Tournaments Hosted: 42
To date, the DFSocial platform has hosted 7 tournaments a month.
- Continent Outreach: 7
DFSocial is not only a fully-functioning DeFi-Gaming/NFT platform; it is a truly global & decentralized gaming platform.
- NFT Collection Launched: 1
The first DFSocial NFT Auctions have come and gone but have no fear — there will be more opportunities to grab one in the future; stay tuned for details!
The current advantages and bonuses are just the start, as the team is committed to bringing even more value to DFS token-holders!
- Roster Size: Increased from 3 to 17 team members
The team is quickly expanding to both accelerate and accommodate the current growth rate and will continue to do so as long as necessary.
- Market Cap ATH: Increased from a low of $300K to $7,200,000+
This equates to an increase of 24x+ multipler.
- Token Price ATH: Increased from a low of $8.90 to $1,250+
This equates to a 140x+ multiplier.
Moving Forward to the Final Half of 2021
As encouraging as these metrics are, what’s in store for our community will only add to the excitement — new De-Fi services, international events, and more are in the works! Regardless of the market conditions, DFSocial will not let factors beyond our control affect our overall objectives to empower the Gamers and Sponsors to make DFS THE one-stop shop for all things De-Fi Gaming.
The recent integration of the BSC to the DFS gaming platform has been instrumental in the growth of our platform, as evidenced by the network breakdown of the Ethereum and Binance chains. The wallet totals are nearly identical. Much like the team scours the gaming industry for the next best candidates to offer our community, the same strategy is taken with Blockchain technology to increase game selection, performance, and security measures to ensure a unique user experience alongside a sustainable future.
Of equal importance, the integration of DFSocial’s NFTs will play a significant role in the user’s reward potential, engagement levels, and participation to maintain longer terms of interest on the platform. These factors will only help with user retention and steady growth as we forge ahead and continually try to discover new ways to grant NFT holders even more benefits.
The DFSocial Marketplace is currently under development and will add another dimension for an NFT-holder to allow the community to dictate the value of an NFT on the open market. It will be possible to make profits by winning an NFT via auction and selling it later — without the need to be a Sponsor or Gamer.
As we head into the first twelve months since the launch, the community has played a significant role in the progression of the platform, and we couldn’t be more grateful. We will continue to make it more advantageous for our supporters to show our never-ending appreciation for your support and feedback.
Game on!
Team DFS